Monday, October 8, 2007

Free Autoresponder

Here is what I consider the Best Free Autoresponder. Gertresponse Free Account
Here is a list of the features that are included in the Getresponse free version. I have also put in the difference between the Free and Pro accounts.

GetResponse Free Account Features
* Instant, reliable delivery - someone sends you an email or fills out a form, a reply is sent in 30 seconds!
* 1 campaign only - unlimited in the PRO version
* Up to 5 follow-ups - unlimited in the PRO version
* Unlimited message length - your reply message can be as long or as short as you want! You're never limited!
* Unlimited message changes - change, update or edit your autoresponses whenever you want, 24 hours a day!
* Easy set-up and management - it only take a few minutes to set up !
* Password-protected online control panel - gain access to a private, easy-to-use, intuitive administration panel.
* Powerful personalization features - our most prominent feature is easy-to-configure, customizable personalization!
* Smart tracking features - know instantly and precisely which autoresponder and message are pulling the most!
* Database access and manage 24 hours a day, such as adding subscribers, viewing removals, updating messages, etc.
* Powerful mailing list management features - use your mailing list for publishing a newsletter on a regular basis!
* Automatically clean your mailing list - maintain your list easily with hard bounces removed automatically for you.
* Built-in anti-spam filters - that way, you make sure good messages go through and nobody abuses your responder!

It is my opinion that unless your Autoresponder is going to pay for itself why would you throw money away on one. There a few limitations on the free account but I have put in what I did to over come these problems.
- Only one campaign = Have a few accounts
- Cant have attachments = Have a link to a page with the download there.
- 5 messages max = Have a few accounts even though 5 is usually enough.

Get Your Gertresponse Free Account Now


elie said...

wow thank you for this. It really helped me alot! TNX!!!

I signed up for a free account..

Inspired1 said...

Yes - thanks very much for posting this. Very helpful...

Appreciate it!!

PV Valston said...

Let me add my kudos to the others thanking you for this useful info.

I signed up for ISOR but found that users are limited to 15 subscribers only in a free account so I am actively looking for a better arrangement.

Of course I will upgrade once I have a meaning ful number on my list ....say 100.

I also tried Traffic Wave free for 30 days but as I did not have any click to my offers I couldn&t take advantage of TWs excellent affiliate commission program and therefore I had no cash to upgrade when the 30 day free portion ran out.

How about you have you now upgraded or gotten enough referrals to make your autoresponder service fully free?

Do you have any new news to add?

Best wishes to you for The New year of The Tiger tora, tora, tora, from Yokohama, Japan


Victor said...

HAL, if you use TW, i heard you only need to have 3 person under you and you get TW for free. ISOR no longer offers free autoresponder because they have new program called 12SecondCommute which have autoresponder services in there + some mandatory features.

I think RapidResponseBot dot com is your second alternative which offers free autoresponder for your first 100 subscribers + 10 followup messages and its yours forever. But, i think $4 per/month for unlimited features + fast support from the admin himself won't drain your bank account.

Visit my blog for more detail about choosing cheap autoresponder.

Brian said...

I really enjoyed the information that you gave in this article. I do agree that if something is not making you money that it might be well to put off getting it.

However, in the case of an autoresponder, it might be worth putting aside the funds in the budget to get one that will do the job right from the beginning.

Unfortunately Getresponse doesn’t have the free account anymore, but they do have a really good 30 day trial and you don’t even have to use your credit card during the trial period.

You brought out some good points of the advantages and disadvantages of using a free service.

For the starting costs of most of the services, I don’t know if you agree or not, but I think anyone can afford it and will quickly start paying for itself.